
Thursday 29 October 2015


The first non-insect animals to evolve powered flight, these absolutely terrifying winged reptiles could be found in all three periods of the Mesozoic era, lasting roughly between 228 - 66 million years ago. Pterosaurs were carnivores that came in all sizes, the largest of which is shown below:

Scared now.

 With one group of Pterosaur having 4-inch long needle-like teeth, and a wingspan of over 10 meters, these reptiles used their arms to polevault themselves into the air, and they were the #1 divas in the sky during the dinosaur era. A misconception is that the pterosaur was a dinosaur, but the reality is that dinosaurs and pterosaurs were cousins who shared an ancestor, the Archosaurs. The evolutionary split on the archosaurs timeline sees one branch evolving into dinosaurs, pterosaurs and later birds, and another branch evolving into crocodiles. And it's because of this that we can say crocodiles and alligators are the closest living relatives to birds today! Recent family portrait:

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